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No New Posts Rules

Here you can find an elaborate list of the site's general rules. They tell you exactly how your going to behave on this forum. Please, we can't stress this enough; read them. If I find you disobey these rules, you shall get a butt whooping :3 A virtual one at that. But seriously, these are important. We're watching you... Also, you can find the guidlines to this site here.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

3 15 Rulebook
by Chinook
Jul 31, 2007 14:01:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Announcements

All announcements of importance shall be posted here. It may only be posted in by Chinook, Sorrel or any other leader. Make sure to check up on this to make sure you don't miss anything important. And admins, don't post anything silly here like "omg! lookit my new site!", though we won't have admins like that. Right?

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

1 1 Moon Phases
by Chinook
Jun 27, 2007 19:02:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Plots & Ideas

Have a cool original plot idea? Feel free to post it up here. Or maybe put in your two cents about someone elses idea. But please, only constructive critiscism here. Oh, and the plot must be approved by Sorrel or Chinook before you begin it. Also, polls for the plot shall be held here.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Q.C.C

Be sure to post here if you are seeking help or maybe looking to critic us (nicely we hope XD) Feel free to ask questions here about the site, you won't be ignored. It's understandable if you don't get some things, and besides, everyone's got to start somewhere. Comments are also welcome, ideas for the site and suggesting improvements. We are always looking to improve. And lastly, you may share your concerns. Like, if your worried or uneasy about something. We're always here.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Away

If you must leave the site, it's important you post here. Whether it's for a short time, a long time, or forever, make sure to inform us. Especially if you have a high position. If you are leaving for a longer time, feel free to let some other people on the site take care of your characters while your gone. If you don't post here and aren't on for a week or more, then we will give away your characters. Otherwise, we'll never know and just suspect you left for good. If there is something that happened and you couldn't even get on to post an away message, pm Chinook or Sorrel who will help you out.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Creation

This is the board where you create your cat. Please so that the staff members don't have to repeat themselves telling you to use the bio form. The bio form is located in this Creation board. Make sure you have all the requirements that the bio asks for or else your bio will be denied. Only leaders of clans may accept bios, not normal members. Also, keep in mind leaders, that you may only accept bios for your own clan. Chinook and Sorrel are responsible for accepting loner/kittypet/rogue bios.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

1 1 Form Info
by .//Shadow on water
Jun 28, 2007 11:14:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted

When a character sheet is accepted by a clan leader (Or by the main admins if they are a loner/kittypet/rogue), then it is their job to move it here. Each sub-board has one clan. The leaders are responsible for keeping track of all accepted bios and updating their stats regularly. And no, you don't post your bios here. Only leaders have the power to move it. Chinook and Sorrel have the power to move bios back to create if we feel they were too short or for other reasons.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: MistralClan, ChinookClan, KhazriClan, BuranClan, Other

2 5 Taintedstar | Mistralclan
by .//Shadow on water
Jul 31, 2007 14:16:01 GMT -5
No New Posts Search

This is the board you can come to to search for something. If your cat is looking for a mate perhaps, or maybe in need of a mentor or apprentice (Make sure you check to make sure to check the stats if your cat already has a mentor or apprentice before posting). Or maybe you are looking to give away kits or let someone adopt your unwanted charrie. Anything along those lines can be posted here.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Mates, Apprentices & Mentors, Adoption Centre, Friendships

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No New Posts Stats & Deaths

This is one of the most important boards. It's important that every member makes sure to check on the stats to see if the clan leader has assigned a mentor or to-be to your cat. This is also where you repost your cat's bio when they are deceased. Clan Leaders: It's extremely important you create and keep your stats updated. Also, check the Death board to see if a cat of your clan has died. If so, take them off the stats, then go to the accepted board and to that cats bio, then in the title put [DECEASED] after the name. If you don't, the site will become a confused mess and I will have to take away your powers. I have to be able to trust you.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Death, Stats

1 1 .//Mistralclan Status
by .//Shadow on water
Jul 31, 2007 14:20:00 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp

Mistralclan camp is located on the top of a cold mountain. Mistral winds are found up here on the top of the mountains giving the camp and cold feeling. The prey pile here in the camp must be stored in a den of some sort or else, since it can get really cold on the mountain that the prey pile can freeze. The prey pile is located in a tiny cave in the camp. All the dens are caves because there are no plants up on the top of the mountain that can survive the strong mistral winds and the coldness. Around the camp is a good amount of territory. Just watch out for some little stones and rocks that may fall off the peak of the mountain and come tumbling down to Mistralclan camp.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Main Clearing, Sleet Stone, Leader's Cave, Medicine Cat's Cave, Warrior's Cave, Apprentice's Cave, Nursery & Elder's Cave

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No New Posts Territory

Mistralclan territory is the top of the mountain. There is Ice Wind Peak which is the peak of the mountain since the clan is located at the top of the mountain. Deep and surrounded by pointed rocks is a tiny plains almost. It is called Low Plains. Then by the mountain, said to have been made by Starclan's paws are the four standing stone like things. Each of the stone stands for one of the clans. The four standing stones are called the, In Piedi roccia which in italian it means Standing Stones. Then there is a river that travels from the top of the peak where a tiny lake in a dip like place goes. The river is called Smooth River because it is a nice river that has no rapids. Last there is the lake, Frozen Lake. These places have ok prey not much around. There are some herds of mountain goats and a couple deer once in a while that come up. But there are no squirrels or mice. Only eagles and hawks and sometimes if you look closely you might see a vulture flying around the mountain.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Ice Wind Peak, Low Plains, In Piedi roccia, Frozen Lake, Smooth River

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No New Posts Camp

ChinookClan's camp is found on the higher rocky cliffs of the mountain. Not right at the top where it's so cold, but a bit lower. The camp is one huge rock ledge that connects the first mountain to the second, like a sort of bridge. There are sort of rock walls built up around their ledge to fight back against the harsh winds, not that the ChinookClan cats really mind the winds. Also, there are a few plants that are used for dens and maybe for herbs if it has any. The floor is completely smoothed over by winds that past over it years ago. Mostly, then dens are caves in the mountain because of the harsh Chinook winds that blow down the mountains. Sometimes the Chinook winds are warm, which the ChinookClan cats like a lot. Sometimes, you can see hawks or eagles gliding over the higher peaks of the mountain, right from camp. However, the hawks know not to mess with ChinookClanners, the only problem is that the hawks are not afraid of kits and will try to pick them off when no cat is around.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Frozen Thickets, Main Cave, Season Stone, Leader's Den, Medicine Cat's Den

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No New Posts Territory

ChinookClan's territory is mostly around the platform that serves as their camp. So, it's mostly rocky, with a fair ammount of vegetation. Though, they do own a little lower of the mountain around KhazriClan, which provides them with a border of forest, which they like. They call their forest Mist-Rise Forest, because it's always misted and hard to navigate. They have a tumbling waterfall that goes over some of the cliffs called Howling Falls. The ChinookClanners also have a few hot springs including the Glass Pool, and some very high cliffs like Thunder Clash Cliff. But high cliffs aren't a problem for ChinookClanners, they can easily navigate these rocky slopes. Lastly, they have a portion of the land that is on the inside of the mountain, filled with shimmering purple crystals. But, if your a kit, don't go wandering around here, you may get picked up by a hungry eagle, not safe at all. So just do what your mother says and stay in camp where you belong!

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Glass Pool, Howling Falls, Inside The Mountain, Mist-Rise Forest, Thunder Clash Cliff

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No New Posts Camp

KhazriClan's camp is located second to the bottom of the mountain. The KhazriClanners like it here because the only wind they get is the Khazri wind that blows low. Their camp is safely nestled in a sort of indent-scoop in the mountain, with part of the camp roofed. Spiked stones stick out all around it for protection, and to keep kits from wandering off the edge. All the dens are made from bramble bushes, rocks and other dead plants. You don't notice this clan because it's camp is under the rock ledge that serves as ChinookClan camp. The KhazriClanners like this, because they are capable of sneaking around the mountain unseen. When the wind blows harder and colder then usual, the cats might retreat to their dens, the cats only like the warmer weather so they can go lolling around in the sun that streams directly into their camp.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Camp

BuranClan's camp is way below the camps and territories of the other clans. Way way under, below where the winds blow coldest. It is at the base of the mountain. They get no wind except the fierce Buran winds that blow cold and dry, and is said to chill their hearts. Their camp is a cold, dark, huge mouthed cave guarded by claw-sharp spiked rocks, prickled brambles and other smoother stones. The cats in this clan don't go lolling around in the sun like those crazy KhazriClanners. They prefer the darkness and the cold to the light and the warm. Probably why these cats are so dark hearted. To reach the dens, you need to follow various winding tunnels to finally reach the caverns. The cats of BuranClan can often times find large or small snakes living in their camp, so they make sure to have warriors check the smallest crevices in the caverns, especially the nursery and elders den.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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Tribe Of Roaring Avalanche

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No New Posts Rogue Territory

This is where there is a great population of evil and ferocious rogues. It would be wise to keep away from this piece of territory. On rogue territory is Black Forest a spooky, dark forest, Shadow Mines that are mines deep underground and lastly Bone Mountain which is a mountain made of bones. If you go on to rogue territory you might never come back, because the rogues will kill you if they think you are a harm to them. This is the territory found around the bottom of one of the three large mountains in the area. No cat in the right mind would dare go up the mountain, nor would they dare to venture into the dark forested areas that surrounds the mountain.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Loner Territory

Friendly or not so friendly loners live on the fields, by the lake, and by the farms. These loners like to live in quiet, peace and respect their borders. They stay away from clan territory, knowing what could happen to them. Loner territory has the farms where there are cows and horses and sometimes sheep that graze, Sparrow Lake, and the Corn Fields. If you go on to loner territory, usually you won't be bothered, unless you meet up with a not so friendly loner. It is kind of refreshing to take a walk through this territory actually. Even if it sometimes smells like manuer. The kind loners sometimes let cats where no where to go into their barns.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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The Skies

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No New Posts StarClan

The stretch of endless stars, what is above the earth. The glittering starry land of StarClan. Everything here is made up of shimmering stars, giving it all a dazzling effect. Here you can catch starred mice, you feel no hunger, no pain and no sadness. Only peace. All of the brave and loyal souls of the clan cats go up to StarClan when they perish to live in complete peace forever.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Midnight Field, Moonshine Trail, Starpool, Starlit Forest, Comet River

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No New Posts CloudClan

Pure cold darkness covers this unhappy place. Here you can't see the stars, the beauty of the night skies. All you see above you is a swirling mass of grey clouds covering up the moon and the stars of StarClan. Here you have limited contact with the world below, but have a little power to meddle. All around are these dark grey clouds that shroud your vision. In this dark and gloomy place you can feel the pain of you injuries, you keep the injuries you had before death and look haunted, you feel no peace, only more hatred weling up inside. This is the domain of the cruel cats that were killed on earth, the ones that didn't have enough good in them to reach StarClan.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Misted Forest, Shaded City, Black Hollow, The Endless Darkness, Shadow Cliffs

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Out of Character

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No New Posts Chat & Introductions

This is the board in which you may present yourself to the rest of the forum, meet new friends and share things about yourself. And, of course, this is also the board for chatting about absolutely anything. From the Warriors books, to talking about how museless you are. Come on over and be museless with us X3

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Introductions, Random Chat, The Museless, Warriors Chat

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No New Posts Archive

This is where Chinook or Shadow will move all old and abandoned threads. This is useful because it helps keep the site cleaner. If we see a post that hasn't been replied to for at least two weeks, it will be moved here. But please do inform us if the thread wasn't actually dead and you want it back

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: In Character, Out Of Character

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No New Posts Creativity

This is where you can show off your artistic talent to others. Whether it be graphics, traditional art, or maybe something else. Either way, viewers; please be kind. I mean, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. I know, cheesy. :3

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Graphics, Artwork, Literature, Other

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No New Posts Fun & Games

Have a cool game you'd like to play with the other forum members? Here's the place. May it be Rozencrantz, Count To 1000, Run On Sentence ect.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Advertisement & Affiliation

If you wish to post up a quick link to your site, post it in Advertisement. If you are looking to affiliate, post in Affiliation. But if you post there, we must see that you have our banner up first.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

Sub-boards: Advertisement, Affiliation

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