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No New Posts Main Clearing

The Main Clearing is the center of Mistralclan camp. The cats dens surround it making a circle. The main clearing has an extra cave that holds the prey when the winds really get rogue and tough or when the snow comes during the winter. The dens that surround it are the leader's cave, the warriors den which all the territories are all caves, the apprentices den, the elders den and nursery. The camp is located close to the very peak but lays kind of on a cliff almost.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Sleet Stone

Sleet Stone got its name because it seems as thin as sleet that falls from Starclan. It is a bluish-grayish-silverish stone color. This is where the leader of Mistralclan addresses all Mistralclan cats old enough to catch their own prey. Sleet Stone sits above the leader's cave. It is a thin stone slabe, with kind of rocks beside it on the right side that help the leader get up on to Sleet Stone.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Leader's Cave

The leader's cave is a cave that is said to have gems in it. This den is where the leader of Mistralclan sleeps and eats most of the time. No other cat may sleep in this den, unless the leader dies and the deputy is going to become leader. That is the only cat that might be able to sleep in the den, instead of the leader's cave. The leader's cave is under Sleet Stone.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Medicine Cat's Cave

The medicine cat's cave is the cave where the medicine cat and medicine cat apprentice of Mistralclan sleep and live. There are pieces of cave stone that sticks out from the sides of the cave. Making shelves for herbs to go and be set down. There are at least six shelves on each side. Kind of a three and three thing. The cave sits next to the Apprentice's Cave.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Warrior's Cave

The warrior's cave like all the other's is large and quite spacious. It sits next to the Apprentice's Cave and on the other side is the Nursery and Elder's Cave. The warrior's sleep here and mostly eat here just if the snow gets high or the winds are too strong. The warrior's den goes back pretty far but not so far that you can't see the light coming through the entrance of the cave.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Apprentice's Cave

The apprentice's cave is a large and spacious cave like the warrior's cave. It isn't as big as the warrior's cave but close to the warrior's cave size. This is where the apprentice's sleep and eat. They eat in here like everyone else in Mistralclan, if the snow gets high or the mistral winds coming from the peak of the mountain are to strong. There are nice warm beds from down near Chinookclan that they found under all the snow.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Nursery & Elder's Cave

Well, the elder's and nursery cave is a large cave. It is wider then taller. The nursery gets the left side and the elder's get the right side. During summer/greenleaf the cats made a bramble thicket barrier, to split the cave in half. So that the elders didn't have to worry about looking at queens and their kits all the time. The cave is where the kits, queens and elders sleep and eat. Especially the queens and elders.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Moon Phases
Chinook 0 124 by Chinook
Jun 27, 2007 19:02:28 GMT -5


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Board Description
Mistralclan camp is located on the top of a cold mountain. Mistral winds are found up here on the top of the mountains giving the camp and cold feeling. The prey pile here in the camp must be stored in a den of some sort or else, since it can get really cold on the mountain that the prey pile can freeze. The prey pile is located in a tiny cave in the camp. All the dens are caves because there are no plants up on the top of the mountain that can survive the strong mistral winds and the coldness. Around the camp is a good amount of territory. Just watch out for some little stones and rocks that may fall off the peak of the mountain and come tumbling down to Mistralclan camp.
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