
Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Midnight Field

Midnight field is a dazzling long-grassed field on the outskirts of the forest. The long blades of grass are starry and shimmering like how dew would sparkle on a leaf. As you race through it freely, the grass feels heavenly on your paws. When you run through, you seem to have endless energy. Above a huge moon shines down, so close you feel like you could leap up and grab it.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Moonshine Trail

Moonshine Trail. A beautiful and secluded path that runs alongside Midnight Fields. The path is like cobblestone, except its stars and moon shapes. When you walk upon it, it lights up and glows like the pale moonlight from the giant moon that hangs over it. A cat that is receiving it's nine lives must walk along this trail and see various cats on the way. When they reach the end, they end up back on earth.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Starpool

The Starpool. A large clear pool with a dazzling, immaculate surface. All the stars in StarClan (all the cats) reflect in this one pool. At a cat's silent command, the pool goes completely clear and then shows whatever the commanding cat wished to see down on earth. The cats are capable of watching their relatives through this one pool, and leap into it to enter the specified cat's dreams.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Starlit Forest

Starlit Forest, the immaculate forest of shimmering starred trees. Each and every single leaf glitters and the trees seem to sway with a gentle breeze. It has a peaceful silence about it, well except for the quietly whistling wind. Cats of StarClan can race through the seemingly endless woods to catch themselves a starry mouse, free and with endless energy.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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No New Posts Comet River

Comet River is a long winding river that runs swiftly through the woods. Its surface appears streaked with orange-y comets that move swiftly with the current. The water looks like it is moving incredibly quickly, yet when you jump in, its strangely calm feeling. It's impossible to drown in this because you are somehow kept afloat the whole way as it carries you peacefully.

Moderators: .//Shadow on water, Chinook

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Moon Phases
Chinook 0 124 by Chinook
Jun 27, 2007 19:02:28 GMT -5


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The stretch of endless stars, what is above the earth. The glittering starry land of StarClan. Everything here is made up of shimmering stars, giving it all a dazzling effect. Here you can catch starred mice, you feel no hunger, no pain and no sadness. Only peace. All of the brave and loyal souls of the clan cats go up to StarClan when they perish to live in complete peace forever.
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