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newBookmarkLockedFalling Moon Phases
Chinook 0 124 by Chinook
Jun 27, 2007 19:02:28 GMT -5


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BuranClan's camp is way below the camps and territories of the other clans. Way way under, below where the winds blow coldest. It is at the base of the mountain. They get no wind except the fierce Buran winds that blow cold and dry, and is said to chill their hearts. Their camp is a cold, dark, huge mouthed cave guarded by claw-sharp spiked rocks, prickled brambles and other smoother stones. The cats in this clan don't go lolling around in the sun like those crazy KhazriClanners. They prefer the darkness and the cold to the light and the warm. Probably why these cats are so dark hearted. To reach the dens, you need to follow various winding tunnels to finally reach the caverns. The cats of BuranClan can often times find large or small snakes living in their camp, so they make sure to have warriors check the smallest crevices in the caverns, especially the nursery and elders den.
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